The #4BCKFS happened from the 8th till 16th of October 2022 in Athens and aimed to offer space for more visibility and promote women creators, showcase their work and invite them to discuss and reflect on it.
The international curated programme presented a wide selection of works, of all types and genres, created by women filmmakers, both established and newcomers, active in Greece & around the world. These works and discussions are meant to touch on the concerns and difficulties that women face today, working in a male-dominated sector, such as cinema, as well as the challenges, the stereotypes, and the obstacles they need to overcome in an effort to achieve equal opportunities and recognition. Our ultimate aspiration is to create and support a network of women creators and cinema workers, who will carry on promoting women’s work and rights, under an intersectional approach.
The #4BCKFS will continue bringing together creators, filmmakers, artists groups, film collectives, organizations and curators working in established as well as up-and-coming festivals from around the world, aiming at promoting the exchange of views and good practices and fostering international collaboration. The BCK Film Symposium is a celebration of cinema and young filmmakers! It spans ten days and comprises film screenings, video & art installations, open discussions between creators and audiences, theoretical and practical workshops, presentations, roundtables, and more.
All screenings and parallel events are open to the audiences, admission-free.
The 4th Balkan Can Kino Film Symposium is supported by and under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports
Programme Partners
Goethe-Institut Athens / British Council Greece / FeCHA – Athens’ Hispanic Film Festival / Pugnant Film Series / Invisible Women / Flavia Dima
Stella / Zoetrope / Goethe-Institut Athens / Chimeres
Organized by
Balkan Can Kino & FLP Athens
Film Curation & Production
Dimitra Mitsaki
Fotini Stefani
Marianna Kaplatzi
Photographer & Videographer
Frank Holbein
Audience/Venues Support
Myrto Tapeinou
Giorgos Siniorakis
Technical Supervisor
Panos Ydraios
Hospitality Support
Evelina Bournousouzi
LIVE / Music
Giannis Kantea Papadopoulos
Eleni Tzannatou
Fish Lily
Graphic Design
FLP Athens
Workshop Support
Representations of the Female Body
Myrto Tapeinou
Giorgos Siniorakis
Workshops & Masterclasses Support
Young Curators / Young Critics
Grigoris Pritsas
Katerina Emmanouil
Programme Support
Alkisti Aktsoglou
Despina Kalogianni
Trailer 4BCKFS
FLP Athens
Trailer Music
Online Screening Platform